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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Different president same location

After looking at this one might be confused why they would even post this. What's the meaning of it, are they trying to be funny, racist, or both? To me honestly i think this is terrible. Yes, it is called the white house, but it is not called that because only people of that color can live their. It is a little disturbing to see an image like this. The only reason it is called the white house is because of the color not the leader and family who lives in it.
Look I am not saying hey look at this picture some huge racist put up, but I think it is important to know the difference. I also believe you must understand the history behind it before you just assume that is it's true meaning. It makes one think wow this might be a problem for a while. The problem I mean is racism, its been around forever, but in past years it has gotten tremendously better. The problem is it is hard to stop it if it has been around so long and this picture shows that it is still alive.
I don't want you to read this blog and think man Anthony why are you so pressed on the issue and do you have personal expirience with racism? I want you to know that I have not, but I think it is important to know what is right and what is wrong. It is why we go to school to learn these things and not be nieve like this picture. I am not an extreme saying this is crazy, but I am an open person and I just don't agree with this or think it is something someone should say especially if they don't even know why the house is called a "white house".


  1. I agree Anthony, this is a totally ignorant thing to say. It just goes to show you that no matter how much we may try to grow as a nation, there will always be those few who will try to hold us back. All in all, I think it was an attempt at humor, albeit a sorry one.

  2. the biggest interrogative I have after seeing the image you blogged about is not what type of ignorant wrote something like this, but who is the idiot who went ahead and published it. The troubling thing is that the fact that this may have been published somewhere means it went through a chain of several people. i can't see how a person could think that the name of the presidential residence has something to do with race. ANYONE who looks at it can clearly see why it is called that. As a matter of fact the presidential residence in Argentina is "La casa rosada" (the pink house) I don't think anyone who was pink or even named pink has lived there, but if you look at it you would clearly see why it is named that. I agree with you and Pearlie that this is a totally ignorant thing to say, much more so print.

  3. I agree! I think this picture is completly wrong. It was not intially called the white house because of the color of the person who lived in it. If that was the logic we used, we would have people walking around the world of all different colors. I belidve this racist comment was meant to be funny, and failed because most people will find this offensive.

  4. I agree. this shows how many people are still racist, no matter how small the amount may be. Also, I agree with Pearlie and Josephina, it's a failed attempt at being humorous.

  5. I agree with your idea that people shouldn't be racist towards other races because its just wrong. I think the image was meant to be both racist and funny at the same time. You would think that there would be more tolerance in society today, especially for the younger generations who did, and who will now grow up in a diverse area, but racism is still a problem now.

  6. I definately think that this is a controversial ad. I certainly has a reference to race in it. I dont feel like those kinds of remarks should be made just because we have a black president for once. The white house is still white and always will be becuase it is "white". Not because of the race of the people living inside of it. Im definately agree with you Anthony.

  7. I never even thought about that, "will we still call it the white house?". I can't believe someone would even make that image, it is just ignorant. So I completely agree with you on the controversy of this image. No one should make a remark like that, especially about a President and the white house.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
