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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Different president same location

After looking at this one might be confused why they would even post this. What's the meaning of it, are they trying to be funny, racist, or both? To me honestly i think this is terrible. Yes, it is called the white house, but it is not called that because only people of that color can live their. It is a little disturbing to see an image like this. The only reason it is called the white house is because of the color not the leader and family who lives in it.
Look I am not saying hey look at this picture some huge racist put up, but I think it is important to know the difference. I also believe you must understand the history behind it before you just assume that is it's true meaning. It makes one think wow this might be a problem for a while. The problem I mean is racism, its been around forever, but in past years it has gotten tremendously better. The problem is it is hard to stop it if it has been around so long and this picture shows that it is still alive.
I don't want you to read this blog and think man Anthony why are you so pressed on the issue and do you have personal expirience with racism? I want you to know that I have not, but I think it is important to know what is right and what is wrong. It is why we go to school to learn these things and not be nieve like this picture. I am not an extreme saying this is crazy, but I am an open person and I just don't agree with this or think it is something someone should say especially if they don't even know why the house is called a "white house".

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do you participate in social networking?

Myspace, facebook, twitter; whatever you might use, social networking has been around since the late 90’s and continued to now. It has developed tremendously, it use to be where you could only email, then came instant messaging and then soon enough came Myspace and Facebook. Social networking is good and should be used for several reasons including keeping people more in touch with friends, family, and maybe even an old classmate you lost touch with and a way for some people who are not the most efficient at confrontation they can display it in another way.
In today’s society especially in America everyone is in a rush so it is nice for people to have other ways to communicate with another and keep in touch and have updates like recent pictures and information on yourself for your friends and family members to see. Also it is really nice for those who are not what you would call the social bugs in person.
Although social networking does have its limitations. Some of these limitations include false identity, privacy, and sensory limits of communication. These limitations make many think social networking is unnecessary and should not be used. The Improper use in social networking are for those using fake id’s to harm another person or rape them. These things have happened to people and it is a terrible thing, but to be honest it has not happened at high percentage. So implying that the majority should lose social networking because of those select few of people who use it in wrong doing should not have it spoiled for the real cause.
In summary, with change comes positive and negative outcomes, but when you compare the positive and negative ones you see why it has changed the way it has people are always going to find ways to do bad things stopping people from interacting online is not going to decrease the rate of rapes or assaults. The significance in today’s culture is huge people like to get to know more people and even have a profile to express their feelings, interests, and even personal life to those who are your friends on your personal page. Therefore, social networking has made huge strides in its way to help people communicate and it should keep doing its job for all of us that like to use facebook and myspace.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"lose Yourself"

This bumper sticker philosophy I am actually taking from a song. In this song the artist uses the phrase lose yourself to emphasize in life what ever you want to do give it your all lose yourself in it. I chose this because I always believe in maximizing your potential no matter if you are the lion or the gizelle. This is more than just a phrase to me it is something that will get me up everyday something that keeps me optimistic about my car being first at the finish line or getting that A on a test that I studied forever on.
This bumper sticker is very short, but it says alot to me because it is simple and when i see it I can remind myself of what I want to do in this life. I have realized that sometimes even simple phrases like this can help you when times get rough. For example, I remember my senior year of highschool playing football I was always tired after practice , but once it was game time I made sure I did everything I could to do better.
Bumper sticker is something you see on someones car ,but it has deeper meaning its like a logo with words. It sticks out people hear or see one and they never forget it, just like lose yourself is something i never forget when I do things to make it better. Just like nike's phrase is "just do it" mine is "lose yourself" in the moment give it your all dont lose that oppurtunity because it does not come all the time own it.